Traditional Harmony
Although not Feng Shui in its purest form, learning to cook with care and passion can only serve to positively enhance the flow of Qi in this pivotal room. Personally selecting fresh, seasonal ingredients and recycling waste are some of the ways we can achieve this.
Ancient Chinese kitchens opened to the southeast, catching breezes to ignite the stove, known as the "fire mouth." The modern Feng Shui equivalent is a correctly positioned stove facing your auspicious direction. It is believed that energy from food being cooked will flow in that direction, bringing good fortune, prosperity and abundance to the inhabitants of the home. To find out your auspicious direction.
Make sure the kitchen has good cross - ventilation, natural light and plenty of space.
The best position for the kitchen is on the south or southeastern side of your home in the northern hemisphere (the north or northeastern side in the southern hemisphere). Avoid placing the kitchen in the center of the house or apartment, or close to the front door. Equally, be careful that kitchen doors don't face the front or back doors.
The area around the kitchen door or directly opposite is known as the area of disturbed Qi and, therefore, isn't a good place to put your stove. Rather, place it where there is assembled Qi -diagonally across from the door. The balance of yin and yang is vital here, as two elements are at play: Fire (yang) and Water (yin). Make sure, if you can, that water pipes are not placed under the stove. Place your stove so that your back is to the door while cooking. If you can't see the door, install a mirror or reflective surface behind the burners - to help the flow of Qi and to bring you good fortune in business. A chrome, tin or stainless steel object would also be effective. The stove should not be placed under a window or skylight, because the energy will leave the house. Use all the burners regularly - this will keep the energy flowing evenly. Traditional Feng Shui practitioners believe this will in turn maximize your income.
Poison arrows love modern, high-tech kitchens. So avoid jutting corner cupboards, visible knives or open shelves. Qi should be around the kitchen. This isn't possible if the kitchen door is in line with the outside doors and windows - Qi will be channeled straight thou.
Modern Design
Often, modern kitchens are so "designed" they lack soul until a personal touch or theme is introduced. Remember, where you live should be are flection of who you are, the journey you have been on, the relationships you wish to nurture. In short, your home (including your kitchen) should be filled with positive memories and future aspirations. The ideal environment for food preparation and whetting the appetite should be nurturing, warm and inspiring. Maintaining balance in the kitchen can be achieved by applying one of each of the five elements. The kitchen is already a powerful source of the Fire element (the stove), so the addition of red or orange furnishings or painted walls might be too overpowering. Instead, try incorporating a stone floor or adding stone pots for the Earth element, and add a blue tablecloth or aquarium for Water. But remember, insipid colors do little to stimulate the appetite - a lively, joyful environment is still necessary.
Placing the stove (Fire) next to the sink or refrigerator (Water) isn't good, as it's undesirable to have these two elements side by side. If you have no option but to do this, place a buffer, such as a metal or wooden partition, even a chopping board, between the two. Other options for diffusing this opposing energy in your kitchen include tribal art carved from wood, a metal sculpture, wooden salt and pepper shakers, a wooden spice box, a metal device for weighing ingredients, a cappuccino maker or an attractive stainless steel vase filled with bamboo.
Make sure the open - plan kitchen is defined by barriers such as furniture, lampshades, mobiles, color or plants. But beware of barriers being too solid. Choose light, natural materials, which can be easily stored away. Screens made from cloth,wood or woven hyacinth are a perfect option. And design the kitchen sensitively, using rounded shelves instead of square ones. Choose smooth surfaces,preferably in lighter shades. Indoor plants,window boxes or small shrubs outside the window will help the environment stay cool. Why not try potting herbs in a planter box outside
your window.
Ancient Chinese kitchens opened to the southeast, catching breezes that were used to ignite the stove, which was known as the "fire mouth." The modern Feng Shui equivalent is a stove facing your auspicious direction - energy from the food being cooked will flow in that direction, bringing good fortune, prosperity and abundance to the inhabitants of your home.
The ideal environment for food preparation should be nurturing, warm and inspiring Monochromatic, tonal colors don't stimulate the appetite. A staircase in close proximity to the kitchen also means that positive Qi will flow straight up the stairs and be lost.
The balance of yin and yang is vital here,as two elements are at play: Fire (yang) and Water (yin). Having two opposing elements side by side - the stove (Fire) next to the sink (Water) - is undesirable. A wooden buffer has been placed between the two to diffuse and ground the energy.
Bad Feng Shui
• Stagnant corner
• Dried flowers and freestanding, open shelves create poison arrows
• Photos of old relationships and bills on refrigerator
• Sharp knives on display
• Square table in center creates poison arrows
• Spiky plant
• Stove placed beside sink (Fire and Water elements should not be placed next to each other)
• Heavy exposed beam
Good Feng Shui
• Earth pots have been placed on top of storage to "ground" energy
• The stove is opposite the door, with a reflective surface added behind the burner - this is good Feng Shui
• Oversized square table has been replaced with round table, with bowl of fruit and
blue tablecloth
• Freestanding open shelves have been replaced with built-in, rounded shelves
• Exposed beam has been wrapped in soft fabric
• Planter box with herbs and geraniums placed outside window
• Knives have been stored away
• Chilies have been replaced with images of food to create illusion of abundance
• A wooden chopping board has been placed between stove (Fire) and sink (Water)