Feng Shui Pendants

Collection: Feng Shui Pendants

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Brief Introduction to Feng Shui Pendants

Feng Shui pendant is a type of jewelry that is worn around the neck. In feng shui, the types, materials, and patterns of pendants have different effects on an individual's fortune. The meanings of feng shui pendants are rich and diverse, including auspiciousness, safety, health, longevity, wealth and so on.

However, it is recommended to avoid wearing several feng shui pendants at one time as this can broke the overall balance of feng shui, and no matter what kinds of pendant you are wearing, the most important thing is to show great respect to traditional culture and maintain a devout attitude so that the pendant can better play its role.

Common Materials of Feng Shui Pendants


Sandalwood is hard and colorful, capable of preventing toxins, warding off evil and relieving misfortunes. It is known as the divine wood by people. Sandalwood has a unique aroma which is fragrant and long-lasting, and is hence perceived as a symbol of auspiciousness and wealth. Sandalwood has a close connection with Buddhism, and as one of the most precious woods, it is often used to make numerous Buddhist products such as sandalwood Buddha beads, sandalwood pendants, sandalwood amulets, and so on.

Red Sandalwood

Red Sandalwood is often used to make bracelets, pendants and other jewelry, symbolizing safety and auspiciousness. It also plays a significant role in Buddhism and is an important religious tool. Wearing a red sandalwood pendant or bracelet not only helps to ward off evil, ensure safety, and avoid disasters, but also helps to relieve stress and improve immunity.


Ebony has a delicate texture and a high hardness, and is the exclusive love of ancient Chinese dignitaries, thus also symbolizing power and status. In addition, wearing an ebony pendants, bracelets, and other accessories not only helps ensure safety, but also helps alleviate anxiety, tension, and stress, and thus bring relaxation to both the body and mind.

Common Patterns of Feng Shui Pendants

Buddha and Guanyin Statues

There is a saying in Chinese folklore that male should wear Guanyin and female should wear Buddha. Buddha plays an important role in Buddhist culture, symbolizing kindness, wisdom, and enlightenment. Wearing a Buddha pendant can help ward off evil spirits and enhance self-confidence. In addition, the homonym of Buddha in Chinese language is "Fu", which means blessings, so wearing it also helps bring good luck. Guanyin is a bodhisattva in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing compassion and wisdom. Wearing a Guanyin pendant helps bring individuals peace and health.

The Twelve Chinese Zodiac Signs

The twelve zodiac signs are a unique way for Chinese people to express the time of birth. They hold an important position in Chinese culture and are considered as auspicious symbols. Wearing your own zodiac sign pendant brings you good luck and auspiciousness, and also protect you from evil and disaster. According to traditional Chinese beliefs, each zodiac sign has its own guardian deity, and thus wearing your own zodiac sign pendant can also help you receive the blessings and protection of the guardian deitity.