God of Wealth

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Brief Introduction to the God of Wealth

The God of Wealth is the deity in Chinese Taoism and folk beliefs who is in charge of the world's wealth and also plays a significant role in Chinese culture. Many people set up a position for the God of Wealth in their homes to worship him, hoping it will bring them wealth and good luck. During important festivals such as the Spring Festival, every household will hold a grand worship ceremony, praying for prosperity and good fortune in financial matters in the new year.

In addition, Buddhism also has its God of Wealth who brings people money and wealth. In Buddhism, poverty is not a misfortune, and wealth doesn’t mean happiness. The most important is looking for inner peace and having inner satisfaction, abiding by ethics and justice, as well as pursuing wisdom and love. However in Taoist tradition, the God of Wealth is perceived as an impartial judge and a deity who fairly distributes wealth, and is often depicted as a rich man holding various treasures.

Common Types of God of Wealth

Yellow Jambhala

Yellow Jambhala is a deity in Tibetan Buddhism and is also the head of the Five Colored Gods of Wealth, who is usually perceived as a symbol of wealth and good luck. His right hand is holding Mani beads, while the left is holding a rat that is spitting out jewelry. Plus, he also sits on a lotus throne with his right foot lightly stepping on conch. Worshiping Yellow Jambhala helps be blessed with good fortune, increase wealth and wisdom, bring good luck, and avoid poverty as well as all kinds of economic difficulties. The meaning of the Yellow Jambhala is not only the acquisition of material wealth, but also the pursuit of wisdom and love, and the power to overcome poverty and obstacles.

Civil God of Wealth

The Civil God of Wealth is a deity with rich knowledge, high level of education and great wisdom. The Civil God of Wealth often wears official attire and holds mascots such as Ruyi, Treasure bowl, and Yuanbao, symbolizing wealth, good luck, and auspiciousness and thus is often regarded as the guardian deity of family and career. The Civil God of Wealth represents the prosperity of academics, wisdom, and business, implying the accumulation of wealth through wisdom and knowledge. Generally speaking, there are three recognized Civil Gods of Wealth among the people and they are Li Guizu, Fan Li, and Bi Gan.

The Five Gods of Wealth

The Five Gods of Wealth are deities that are widely believed among the Chinese people. They are Zhao Gong Ming, Military God of Wealth; Xiao Sheng, God of Collecting Treasures; Cao Bao, God of Collecting Valuables; Yao Shao Si, God of Profitability; and Chen Jiu Gong, God of Attracting Wealth. The Five Gods of Wealth symbolize bringing wealth to everyone, attracting wealth and good luck from all directions. What’s more, they are also regarded as the deities who can ward off evil spirits.

How to Place the God of Wealth

Place It at the Entrance

When placing the God of Wealth in home, it is suggested to place it near the door, which means bringing wealth and luck to your house the moment that you open the door. However, it should be noted that the God of Wealth should not be placed directly facing the door, otherwise it may not only fail to attract wealth, but also cause property loss. The God of Wealth can be placed on both sides of the door. What’s more, the God of Wealth can be divided into Civil and Military. The Civil God of Wealth should be placed facing inward, while the Military God of Wealth should be placed facing outward.

Do Not Place It Together with Ancestors’ Memorial Tablets

When worshipping the God of Wealth, one should avoid placing it together with ancestors’ memorial tablets. This is because the God of Wealth is a deity in heaven who has a high status, while the ancestors are the Family Gods. These two have a significant difference in status and cannot be compared. So when placing the God of Wealth, the right way is to place it above the ancestors’ memorial tablets.

Do Not Place the Civil and Military God of Wealth Together

Although both Civil and Military God of Wealth can bring good fortune to people, they cannot be placed and worshipped together, otherwise they will not only fail to play their feng shui roles but also have a negative effect.

How to Worship the God of Wealth

Choose the Appropriate Type of God of Wealth

There are many types of God of Wealth, and different types often have different characteristics and effects. Therefore, before worshipping the God of Wealth, it is necessary to learn the characteristics and functions of different types at first, and then choose the one that meets your needs at utmost.

Choose Suitable Offerings

To worship the God of Wealth, it is necessary to prepare some offerings. Generally speaking, offerings should include water, fruits, flowers, incense candles and so on, and they must be fresh, clean, and be replaced in time.

Choose a Suitable Place

When worshiping the God of Wealth, make sure that the place is well-lit. Do not place the God of Wealth in a dark and humid place, otherwise it can not play its feng shui role, and will even do harm to the fortune of the whole family. In addition, the place for worshiping should also be kept clean and avoid placing clutter.

Offer Incense and Worship Regularly

To be blessed by the God of Wealth, one should offer incense and worship regularly. Generally speaking, incense should be offered every morning and evening, and worship should be performed on the first and fifteenth day of each month of the lunar calendar. When worshiping, one should pray to the God of Wealth for blessings of increased wealth and good luck with sincerity.

Follow certain etiquette and rules

In worshiping the God of Wealth, certain etiquette and rules must be followed. For example, when offering incense, you should hold the incense with both hands and bow in salute. When worshiping, you should burn incense first and then bow in salute. Besides, the offerings should be placed neatly. In following these etiquette and rules, you can gradually cultivate your own faith and piety, thereby better attracting wealth and good luck.